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The Terezín Memorial is known to the public as a site closely associated with memories of the persecutions and genocidal policies of Nazi Germany, to experts as a major museum and research centre.

Shortly after the establishment of a democratic system, Memorial staff became acutely aware of the absence of information regarding the Holocaust in Czech schools. In previous decades the topic had been taboo, and the numbers of experts or those knowledgeable about this sad chapter in Czech history were few. The education department was thus created in 1993 with the aim of offering this missing information and study materials to young people, adults and all with an interest.

An educational programme has been developed that concentrates on the problems associated with Terezín, and in particular on the most tragic period between 1939 and 1945, the complexity of which is variable depending on the age group, level of education and length of stay of those with an interest. Its basis has from the very beginning been a tour of the area of the former ghetto, the Gestapo police prison in the Lesser Fortress and the exhibitions, this being complemented by seminars, films and discussions with those who survived the Holocaust.

The work of the department, which has been accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, has undergone significant changes in the 8 years since it was founded. The number of members of the collective and collaborators has increased substantially, and the range of programmes and events offered has also broadened; the overall scope of activity, too, has been enlarged. In 1997 a Meeting Centre was opened in the reconstructed Magdeburg Barracks, and this too is part of the Education department. New study and assembly spaces, accommodation for 44 persons, and a separate kitchen form the facilities vital to the effective organisation of seminars, educational stays and support for their own research for young people and teachers from both the Czech Republic and abroad.

The underlying concept behind the work of the Education department, however, remains the same: not only to make clear to young people the malignancy and results of racism, but also to teach them to understand that themes of interpersonal relationships, tolerance and human dignity in the context of racial equality can never be sidelined.

The main areas in which the department is active are: seminars, methodology, scholarship, editorial activity & publication, competitions, cultural & social events, contacts & further information.

From the "classically" arranged programmed described, today there is a marked trend towards more active and creative programmes that emphasise independent activity. In small groups led by a teacher, participants work on particular themes in the study rooms, in the exhibitions and in the field, presenting the results of their research at the end of the course. This approach is particularly interesting for children, especially as they themselves thereby contribute to the programme; they study prepared books, copies of documents, photographs or video sequences that easily introduce them to the fates of people who belonged to a nation that only a few decades ago was marked for destruction. Seminars for adults have undergone a similar development since they were first introduced in 1993, and these are now held primarily for teachers both from the Czech Republic and abroad. A new feature among the events offered in the year 2000 was a three-day seminar for teachers and educational staff held under the auspices of the Czech Ministry of Education. The programme entitled "How to teach the Holocaust" has also been prepared for 2001 by the Education department of the Terezín Memorial, in conjunction with the Cultural Centre of the Jewish Museum in Prague and the Museum of Romany Culture in Brno. Similar events for teachers are held every year at an international level, too.

A seminar for teachers

A seminar for teachers


A seminar for teachers

A seminar for teachers

The Memorial concentrates on aiding teachers, pupils and students of various types of educational establishments both in the Czech Republic and abroad to find new knowledge. Source material, literature and professional consultation for seminars and theses, as well as methodological proposals for teaching programmes, are all offered.

Title page of a thesis

Title page of a thesis

The Memorial conducts its own research, as well as providing professional advice to authors, exhibition designers, students, and both Czech and foreign scholars. In addition, study materials and visual aids are prepared for particular education programmes and projects thematically linked to the history of Terezín and the Holocaust as a whole.

Seeking traces of Karel Polacek

Seeking traces of Karel Polacek

Editorial activity
Staff of the Education dept. assist in the production of publications by the Memorial. They are also responsible for the professional journal Terezínské listy and are among regular contributors to it. The press regularly carries details and reports of the department's work. Publications: "Volumes I - IV" - award-winning works from the competitions for young people; "Czech children paint at Terezín"- a calendar; "A Person is Not a Number" - essays and drawings from competitions, published in Czech, German and English editions; "The Holocaust Through the Eyes of Czech Children" - catalogue to the exhibition of the same name held in the USA (in English). Projects have been realised with the financial assistance of former prisoners and a range of other institutions; for this purpose, the Education dept. has at its disposal the "Fond Hany Greenfield" (the Hana Greenfield Fund), to which anyone wishing to support youth programmes may contribute.

"Czech children paint at Terezín"- calendar

"Czech children paint at Terezín"- calendar


"A person is not a number" - published essays and drawings from competitions

"A person is not a number" - published essays and drawings from competitions

"Volume IV" - prize-winning works from competitions for young people

"Volume IV" - prize-winning works from competitions for young people


Competitions have a firm place in the events arranged for Czech young people. They originated at the instigation of Hana Greenfield, a former prisoner in the Terezín Ghetto, who has from the very beginning financially supported events for children. While in the first year, 1994, 33 children from 10 schools participated in competitions, by the year 2000 some 400 children from 59 schools in towns across the Czech Republic took part. The 7th annual literary competition was announced in January 2001, this time on the theme "How to live together on one planet", along with the 5th annual art competition "How to fill time", which encourages young artists to create a triptych of drawings on a given text.

Competition prize giving in 2000

Competition prize giving in 2000


Competition for 2001

Competition for 2001


Competition for 2001

Competition for 2001

Cultural & social events
Exhibitions held
  • 1997 - "Anne Frank - a legacy for the present" with accompanying programme
  • 1998 - "The Road to Hope" in the Salva Garda Gallery, Litoměřice - a selection of drawings from the 1999 competition
  • 1999 - "The Terezín Memorial education department" - a cross section of the departments activities in 2000
  • 2000 - 2003 - "The Holocaust through the Eyes of Czech Children" - Los Angeles, USA - a selection of drawings from competitions
  • 2000 - 2003 - "How to fill time"

  • From the "Anne Frank - a legacy for the present" exhibition in the Ghetto Museum, Terezín

    From the "Anne Frank - a legacy for the present" exhibition in the Ghetto Museum, Terezín

    The Attic Theatre in the Magdeburg Barracks in particular is used for a variety of musical and dramatic performances; here, children's dramatic groups from both the Czech Republic and abroad perform works prepared especially for Terezín. Among long-term collaborators in regard are the Disman Broadcast Children's Company, whose repertoire includes several works linked to Terezín - the children's opera "Brundibár" by H. Krása and "Kvetovany kun" ("The Flowery Horse") by N. Frýd.

    "Brundibár", performed in the Attic Theatre in the Meeting Centre

    "Brundibár", performed in the Attic Theatre in the Meeting Centre



    Pracovní listy pro základní a střední školy
    Vzdělávací oddělení Památníku Terezín si dovoluje základním a středním školám nabídnout pracovní listy „Terezín - místo spojené s holocaustem Židů v průběhu 2. světové války“ I. a II. Tyto pracovní listy by měly sloužit k přípravě či opakování pro žáky a studenty v období před návštěvou vzdělávacího semináře v Památníku Terezín.

    Pracovní listy byly vypracovány na základě ohlasů a připomínek pedagogů, kteří již ses svými skupinami terezínské semináře absolvovali a sami zjistili efektivitu bezprostředního připomenutí či zopakování faktů před samotnou exkurzí.
    Pracovní listy se skládají z několika částí. Oba dva začínají obecnými informacemi o přítomnosti Židů v Evropě, o historii židovství vůbec. Část druhá je věnována osudům židovského obyvatelstva v Čechách a na Moravě po září roku 1938, městu Terezín a základním informacím o terezínském ghettu. Další část představuje ve zkratce některé významné osoby, které kvůli svému židovskému původu prošly terezínským ghettem, např. Karel Poláček, Arnošt Lustig, Helga Weissová-Hošková a další.
    Poslední, čtvrtá část je věnována úkolům pro žáky a studenty, které mohou řešit s pomocí údajů z pracovního listu, vlastních znalostí či různých encyklopedií apod. Úkoly jsou zaměřeny podle věku na literaturu, chronologii historických událostí, pojmům týkajícím se židovství atp.

    Na základě našich zkušeností víme, že pokud skupina přijíždí do Terezína určitým způsobem připravena, nejsou jim cizí základní pojmy a termíny, pak má práce na semináři větší význam. Žáci použijí své znalosti jako základ a na něj pak vrství nově nabyté vědomosti. Těch můžeme v tomto případě předat daleko více. Je ale samozřejmé, že naše dvojlisty jsou pouze jednou z možností, jak se na seminář připravit.

    Pracovní listy pro každého žáka či studenta jsou zdarma automaticky zasílány do školy pedagogovi, který se se školní skupinou přihlásí na jednodenní či vícedenní vzdělávací seminář přímo na Vzdělávacím oddělení Památníku Terezín.

    Pracovní list I. - úvodní strana zabývající se obecně problematikou židovství a historií do roku 1939.

    Pracovní list I. - úvodní strana zabývající se obecně problematikou židovství a historií do roku 1939.

    Pracovní list II. - tato strana představuje osobnosti, které se významným způsobem zapsaly do historie ghetta.

    Pracovní list II. - tato strana představuje osobnosti, které se významným způsobem zapsaly do historie ghetta.

    Contacts & further information
  • Terezín Memorial
    Education dept.- Ghetto Museum
    CZ 411 55 Terezín
    Tel.: + 420 416 782577
    Fax.: + 420 416 782993

    Mgr. Ludmila Chladkova
    Mgr. Ilona Smekalova
    Karel Rozec
    Jana Smolova

  • Terezín Memorial
    Tyrsova 19
    CZ 411 55 Terezín
    Tel.: +420 416 782948

    Mgr. Nada Stulcova

    Working hours:Monday - Friday, 7am-3:30pm
    During residential stays by seminar groups, working hours are of course not restricted.

    Educational programmes: Please contact us so that we can prepare a programme of the length and content suitable for your needs.
    Participants in the educational programme may by arrangement with the Education dept. use the Meeting Centre facilities, which include:

  • accommodation in 2-4 bed rooms with appropriate facilities (total capacity: 44 persons) 200 Kč/person/night
  • meals by arrangement with the Centre dining room: full board 260 Kč/person (breakfast: 71Kč, lunch: 96 Kč, dinner: 93 Kč)
  • the attic theatre; the clubroom.

    Support for youth projects: we are always grateful for financial or material support for youth projects, which can be sent either to the Memorial's postal address or to Komerční Banka (the Commercial Bank) in Litoměřice - a/c 123-1532-471/ 0100 marked for the "Fond Hany Greenfield" (the Hana Greenfield Fund).



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